Do I stay or should I go now?

Well 2020 was a year for the books! I had big plans to expand but Covid shut that down. With no way to do investigations during the year I am left to ponder if I should continue?

I tried to still engage but typical 2020 fashion I was needed more in the rescue world this year than any other. It was exceptionally hard with no funding and multiple large rescue's. It took much of my time leaving my investigation site and social media site not getting the attention they deserved.

Now I am faced with the decision of trying to save this business with so many questions still. Will I be able to have investigations in 2021? Will the cost of just having a business to offer ghost investigations to the public be justified if I can not have an income? What could I offer that is social distancing, not breaking the restrictions but people will still support?

I hope you are all well and I can continue. Will let you all know in the New Year! Thank you for the support so far!


